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Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej

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Zapytanie: SMART CITY
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Nr opisu: 0000035630
Autorzy: Danuta Jolanta Guzal-Dec, Magdalena Anna Zwolińska-Ligaj.
Tytuł pracy: The social field of smart villages concept : the case of peripheral region - Lublin province in Poland
Tytuł całości: W: Economic Science for Rural Development : Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 9 11 May 2018, No. 49 / ed. Anita Auzina
Miejsce wydania: Jelgava
Wydawca: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Rok wydania: 2018
Seria: Economic Science for Rural Development, 1691-3078, No. 49
Strony zajęte przez pracę: S. 296-306
ISBN: 978-9984-48-294-1
Charakterystyka formalna: referat w materiałach pokonferencyjnych zagranicznych
Charakterystyka merytoryczna: konferencja naukowa międzynarodowa
Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: publikacja w recenzowanych mat. konf. międzynar. uwzględnionej w WoS
Język publikacji: ENG
Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
Praca recenzowana
Słowa kluczowe ang.: smart city ; smart people/community ; smart village ; lagging regions
Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii
Inne bazy podające opis:
  • WoS

    Streszczenie: Lagging regions are characterised by coupling of numerous barriers to their development including the ones in the dimension of human and social capital. The concept of smart villages identifies the modes of overcoming these barriers. The aim of the paper was to operationalise and to evaluate social potential of smart village in case of lagging region (Lublin Province, Poland). A quantitative approach was applied during the research. The work uses a descriptive method in the theoretical part and statistical methods in the empirical part. In the light of the statistical analyses carried out in the research process, there has been no indication of a higher potential of rural-urban communes in comparison to rural units. The potential of social smart is strongly dispersed. A positive impact of larger urban centres in the region on the rural potential cannot be identified. However, certain concentrations can be distinguished in the framework of selected Local Action Groups (LAGs) that operate in Lublin Province. Since the peripheral regions are in particular sparsely populated by the creative class, and it is difficult to attract the creative class of people, it should be noted that investing in and promoting smart people becomes necessary catalysts for the implementation of smart villages concept. It is therefore essential to strengthen the connection between the regional and sub-regional scientific centres and commune self-governments. Fostering the activity of LAGs operating in the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) approach in the framework of LEADER programme seems to be the desired direction of the support for endogenous potential of rural territorial units enabling the smart villages concept implementation.
    Projekt/grant: The concept of intelligent development of villages, settlements, cities and regions : Badania statutowe KEiZ, 22-1

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