Bibliografia publikacji pracowników
Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej

Baza tworzona przez Bibliotekę Akademii Bialskiej im. Jana Pawła II.

Zapytanie: THYROXINE
Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 1

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Nr opisu: 0000040974
Autorzy: Oleksandr V. Oliynyk.
Tytuł pracy: Research on diet features of patients with hypothyroidism
Tytuł czasopisma:
Szczegóły: 2020, Vol. 92, issue 6, p. 173--177
p-ISSN: 2409-4943
e-ISSN: 2413-5003

Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie zagranicznym
Charakterystyka merytoryczna: komunikat o wynikach badań
Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie bez IF (wykaz MEiN)
Język publikacji: ENG
Punktacja ministerstwa: 20.000
Słowa kluczowe ang.: hypothyroidism ; triiodothyronine ; thyroxine ; thyroid-stimulating hormone ; hypocaloric diet ; iodine
Inne bazy podające opis:
  • Scopus

    DOI: 10.15407/ubj92.06.173
    Streszczenie: Studies on the relationship between dietary features and hypothyroidism pathogenesis are highly relevant-. The aim of this research was to study the dietary features of patients with hypothyroidism and to determine the possible impact of patients' food preferences on the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism. We examined 400 women of Polish nationality aged 19-28 years living in the district of Biała Podlaski of the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland who consider themselves healthy. Blood levels of free (FT3) and total (T3) triiodothyronine, free (FT4) and total (T4) thyroxine, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were determined. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the examined women's diet was determined using questionnaires and nutritional tables. It was revealed, that the prevalence of hypothyroidism among the female subjects was 3.5%. Women with reduced thyroid function were shown to consume 3.78 times less iodine, 2.97 times (P < 0.001) less sodium chloride (table salt), and 1.47 times (P < 0.001) less proteins than those who had normal thyroid function. In addition, women with hypothyroidism consume 2.25 times (P < 0.001) more strumogenic. It is concluded that the use of such the diet could cause a secondary reduction in thyroid function with further development of the hypothyroidism.

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