Bibliografia publikacji pracowników
Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej

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Liczba odnalezionych rekordów: 12

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Nr opisu: 0000035494
Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Paweł Sobczak, Marta Siłuch, Marcin Weiner, Ewa Teresa Pawłowicz-Sosnowska, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Jarosław Chmielewski, Ilona Żeber-Dzikowska, Barbara Gworek, Jerzy Zagórski.
Tytuł pracy: Analiza składu chemicznego napojów energetycznych w zakresie związków pobudzających i wypełniających
Tytuł równoległy: Analysis of the chemical composition of energy drinks for contents of stimulant and filling compounds
Tytuł czasopisma:
Szczegóły: 2018, Vol. 97, nr 4, s. 560--564
p-ISSN: 0033-2496
e-ISSN: 2449-9951

Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie z IF (wykaz MEiN)
Język publikacji: POL
Wskaźnik Impact Factor ISI: 0.428
Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
Praca recenzowana
Słowa kluczowe: napoje energetyczne ; związki pobudzające ; związki wypełniające ; skład chemiczny
Słowa kluczowe ang.: energy drinks ; stimulant compounds ; filling compounds ; chemical composition
Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii
Inne bazy podające opis:
  • WoS

    DOI: 10.15199/62.2018.4.9
    Streszczenie: Twenty-five com. energy drinks were analyzed for contents of caffeine, sugar and sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin), B6, B8 and B12 vitamins and preservative (BzONa) by high performance liq. chromatog. Caffeine was identified in 23 drinks and its content was 0-37.16 mg/100 mL of drink. The sugars were detected in 20 samples, while aspartame and saccharin in 2 samples in concns. of 141.9 and 100.03 ěg/mL, resp. The concn. of BzONa was below the detection limit of the method used.
    Streszczenie: Przebadano 25 napojów energetycznych pod kątem zawartości w nich kofeiny, tauryny, substancji słodzących, konserwantów i witamin z grupy B. Analizy wykonano techniką wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej. Znajomość składu chemicznego oraz możliwych reakcji między poszczególnymi składnikami tych napojów mogą stanowić podstawę oceny ich wpływu na organizm człowieka.
    Projekt/grant: Analiza zawartości kofeiny, tauryny, słodzików, konserwantów i witamin z grupy B w napojach energetycznych : Fundusz Grantów na Badania Własne / PSW Biała Podlaska, FG.IV.13

    Nr opisu: 0000035846
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Barbara Stawińska-Witoszyńska, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Cezary Wojtyła, Piotr Biliński, Monika Urbaniak, Andrzej Wojtyła, Jerzy T. Marcinkowski, Małgorzata Wojciechowska.
    Tytuł pracy: Author's response (December 7, 2017) to the letter to the editor concerning the paper "Trends in smoking among secondary school and high school students in Poland, 2009 and 2011"
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2018, Vol. 31, issue 4, p. 541-542
    p-ISSN: 1232-1087
    e-ISSN: 1896-494X

    Charakterystyka formalna: varia: list, wywiad, komentarz, biogram, wspomnienie
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: inne o charakterze niecytowalnym
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie z IF (wykaz MEiN)
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Wskaźnik Impact Factor ISI: 1.314
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: health education ; cigarette smoking ; Tobacco epidemiology ; smoking initiation ; secondary school students ; high school students
    DOI: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.01311

    Nr opisu: 0000034999
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Tomasz Bołdowski, Cezary Wojtyła, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Katarzyna Juszczak, Maria Łabędzka-Gardy, Andrzej Wojtyła, Hanna Krauss.
    Tytuł pracy: An all-Poland survey of physical activity and sedentary lifestyles for middle school high school and university students
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 1, s. 70--77
    p-ISSN: 2450-5927

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: overweight ; obesity ; physical activity ; adolescents ; students
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii
    DOI: 10.5114/jhi.2017.69169
    Streszczenie: Introduction: Most countries have witnessed an increasingly sedentary lifestyle in recent decades. Experts estimate that only one third of adolescents undertake sufficient physical activity to guarantee normal physical, mental and emotional development. Study aims: To determine the frequency of PE (Physical Education) lessons as well as after-school movement activities and sedentary behaviour. To establish the association between physical activity, TV watching and computer use (screen time) with the risks of overweight and obesity in students. Material and methods: A survey of 3,548 middle school students, 4,423 from high school and 5,595 university students was performed in 2011. In the former two groupings, the questionnaire had been devised by Poland's GIS (Chief Sanitary Inspectorate), based on one previously employed for WHO global school-based student health survey (GSHS) studies. The university students used an electronic questionnaire made available on an internet site from Lublin, Poland. Results: Half the middle and high school students undertook 2 to 5 hours of physical activity per week, while only 16% of university students did so. In their free time after school, one quarter of middle and high school students engaged in selected sporting activities, usually for one hour each week. Of the university students, 84% did not undertake any movement activities at all. Excessive body mass was most frequently found in students spending 3 to 4 hours per day watching TV or using computers. Conclusions: Students, in particular at the university level, demonstrated a somewhat poor commitment to undertaking PE lessons or other movement activities, whilst focusing mainly on sedentary activities.

    Nr opisu: 0000035453
    Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Paweł Sobczak, Anna Rogóż, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Marta Kozak, Jerzy Zagórski.
    Tytuł pracy: Evaluation of the content of selected elements in herbs cultivated in organic farms in the Lublin Region
    Tytuł całości: W: Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture : symposium proceedings / ed. by Edmund Lorencowicz, Jacek Uziak, Bruno Huyghebaert
    Miejsce wydania: Lublin
    Wydawca: Department of Machinery Exploitation and Management of Production Processes University of Life Sciences in Lublin
    Rok wydania: 2017
    Strony zajęte przez pracę: S. 461-464
    ISBN: 978-83-937433-2-2
    Uwagi: Publikacja zindeksowana w WoS w XI 2018 r.
    Charakterystyka formalna: referat w materiałach pokonferencyjnych polskich
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: konferencja naukowa międzynarodowa
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: publikacja w recenzowanych mat. konf. międzynar. uwzględnionej w WoS
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: herbs ; heavy metals ; organic farming ; agriculture
    Uwaga: Kopia dostepna w Sekcji Bibliometrii
    Inne bazy podające opis:
  • WoS

    DOI: 10.24326/fmpmsa.2017.83
    Streszczenie: Herbal raw materials are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In the presented studies the content of selected elements in the herbs originating from organic farming in the Lublin region was determined. The research was done for three different herbs: common thyme, pink rock-rose, and nettle by means of an ICP OES SpectroBlue spectrometer. It was shown that the content of heavy metals in the tested samples does not exceed generally accepted norms. The amount of trace in the tested herbs is too low for human health to be the main source to meet the demand. However, they may be a supplement of a daily diet.

    Nr opisu: 0000034997
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Tomasz Bołdowski, Cezary Wojtyła, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Katarzyna Juszczak, Zuzanna Chęcińska-Maciejewska, Andrzej Wojtyła, Hanna Krauss.
    Tytuł pracy: National survey of body mass and dietary behaviour for middle school, high school and university students
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 1, p. 64--69
    p-ISSN: 2450-5927

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: overweight ; obesity ; nutrition ; students
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii
    DOI: 10.5114/jhi.2017.69168
    Streszczenie: Introduction: According to a report from the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO), there are 200 million overweight and obese school children in the world today. To assess body mass for students in Poland, in middle schools, high schools and universities, according to growth charts and BMI. Also, to investigate the link between chosen dietary habits and the risks to these subjects of being overweight and obese. Material and methods: The 13,566 subjects surveyed in 2011 consisted of middle school (3,548), high school (4,423) and university (5,595) students. The two younger groups received a questionnaire that had been devised by GIS (Poland's Chief Sanitary Inspectorate) based on one previously used for the WHO's global school-based student health survey (GSHS). An electronic questionnaire was used for the university students, made available at a designated internet site. Results: Overweight rates of 13%, 11% and 14% were found in students from middle-school, high-school and university. Overall obesity rates were 3%. Most subject ate three meals daily, although almost 1 in 5 said they ate only 1 to 2 meals daily. Snacking between meals was admitted by 84%, 89% and 89% of students, respectively, whereas corresponding rates for nighttime eating were 24%, 37% and 36%. Conclusions: The survey demonstrated that overweight status, according to growth charts and BMI, occurs in 13%, 11% and 14% of subjects in each student group, respectively. Overall, obesity accounts for 3% of respondents. Numerous instances of abnormal dietary habits were found, highlighted by irregular mealtimes, between-meal snacking and nighttime eating.

    Nr opisu: 0000033253
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Barbara Stawińska-Witoszyńska, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Cezary Wojtyła, Piotr Biliński, Monika Urbaniak, Andrzej Wojtyła, Jerzy T. Marcinkowski, Małgorzata Wojciechowska.
    Tytuł pracy: Trends in smoking among secondary school and high school students in Poland, 2009 and 2011
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2017, Vol. 30, No. 5, s. 763-773
    p-ISSN: 1232-1087

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie z IF (wykaz MEiN)
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Wskaźnik Impact Factor ISI: 1.367
    Punktacja ministerstwa: 20.000
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: edukacja zdrowotna ; palenie tytoniu ; studenci ; uczniowie ; szkoła średnia
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: health education ; cigarette smoking ; high school students ; Tobacco epidemiology ; smoking initation ; secondary school students
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
    DOI: 10.13075/jometh.1896.00741
    Streszczenie: Objectives: To determine the age and the most common circumstances for smoking initiation along with smoking rates and to evaluate smoking trends for secondary and high school students in Poland during 2009 and 2011. Material and Methods: In 2009, a pilot study was conducted in districts of Poland on high school students and their parents. For statistical analysis, correctly completed questionnaires from 999 students and 667 parents were qualified for use. After the pilot study, a nationwide study of secondary school students and their parents was also conducted in 2009. For statistical analysis, correctly completed questionnaires were used from 9360 students and 6951 from their parents. The research tool was a questionnaire developed by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. These studies were then compared to the nationwide research study from 2011. Questionnaires were obtained from a survey of 3548 students from secondary schools and 4423 of those from high schools. Results: Smoking initiation usually begins at ages 12-15 years. Rates of secondary school student smoking at least once in their lifetime were about the same level in the surveyed years (2009 - 9%, 2011 - 11%), whereas rates of high school student smoking increased (2009 - 15%, 2011 - 24%). Moreover, 34% of secondary school student smoked less than once a week, whereas in 2009, only 8% of students had done so. For high school students, a 1/2 smoked every day; similar to 2009. Students usually smoked in parks, on streets or any other open space areas. Conclusions: From analyzing the smoking trends over the survey period it can be concluded that the problem of smoking increases with respondent age.

    Nr opisu: 0000033157
    Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Grażyna Cholewa, Paweł Sobczak, Wojciech Silny, Rafał Nadulski, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Jerzy Zagórski.
    Tytuł pracy: Enzymatic activity of fungi isolated from corps
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2016, Vol. 33, no. 6, p. 457--463
    p-ISSN: 1642-395X

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie z IF (wykaz MEiN)
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Wskaźnik Impact Factor ISI: 1.683
    Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
    Słowa kluczowe: aktywność enzymatyczna ; grzyby pleśniowe ; zymogram
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: enzymatic activity ; mold fungi ; zymogram ; biohazards
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
    DOI: 10.5114/ada.2016.63885
    Streszczenie: Aim: To detect and assess the activity of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and to find differences in enzymograms between fungi isolated from wheat and rye samples and grown on Czapek-Dox Broth and Sabouraud Dextrose Broth enriched with cereal (wheat or rye). Isolated strains were also classified in the scale of biosafety levels (BSL). Material and methods: The study used 23 strains of fungi cultured from samples of wheat and rye (grain, grain dust obtained during threshing and soil) collected in the Lublin region (eastern Poland). API ZYM test (bioMérieux) was carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. Classification of BSL (Biosafety levels) was based on the current literature. Results: High enzymatic activity was found in strains cultured in media containing 1% of wheat grain (Bipolaris holmi, Penicillium decumbens) and with an addition of 1% of rye grain (Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus versicolor, Alternaria alternata). The total number of enzymes varied depending on the type of media, and in most cases it was higher in the culture where an addition of cereal grains was used. Conclusions: Isolated strains of fungi reveal differences in the profiles of the enzyme assay. It can be assumed that the substrate enriched in grains stimulate the higher activity of mold enzymes.

    Nr opisu: 0000033209
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Tomasz Bołdowski, Cezary Wojtyła, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Krzysztof Wojtyła, Zuzanna Chęcińska-Maciejewska, Andrzej Wojtyła, Hanna Krauss.
    Tytuł pracy: The "Keep Fit!" programme for building health-competence in children and adolescents in Poland regarding their diet and physical activity - study design
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2016, Vol. 2, no. 2, p. 172--177
    p-ISSN: 2450-5927
    e-ISSN: 2450-5722

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: dieta ; aktywność fizyczna ; zachowania zdrowotne ; dzieci ; młodzież ; program "Trzymaj Formę" ; Polska
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: diet ; physical activity ; health behavior ; children and adolescents ; "Keep Fit" programme ; Poland
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
    DOI: 10.5114/jhi.2016.65359
    Streszczenie: Introduction: The "Keep Fit!" programme is an initiative for promoting healthy lifestyles in schoolchildren, which uses a two-pronged approach of focusing on a balanced diet combined with regular physical activity. Hitherto, nine editions of the programme have taken place, involving more than seven million pupils attending over 8800 schools. Due to its scope and coverage being so wide, the "Keep Fit!" programme was recognised as being the largest educational programme in the European Union. The aim of the present study was to investigate the health behaviours of pupils and students in Poland, with focus on their eating habits, physical activity, self-assessed weight, psychoactive substance use, and the impact that taking part in the "Keep Fit!" programme had on changing their lifestyle. Material and methods: The study involved cross-sectional surveys in Poland conducted in 2009 among randomly selected samples of junior high-school pupils (ages 13-16), and in 2011 of pupils attending junior high school, high school (ages 17-19), as well as university students aged 25 and younger. The questionnaire was devised by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS). Data was analysed from correctly completed questionnaires among 9,360 and 11,863 eligible respondents in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Results: Among eligible survey respondents, 53% (4970) in 2009 and 14% (1674) took part in the "Keep Fit!" programme. Both in 2009 and 2011 the "Keep Fit!" programme has made a significant and beneficial impact in terms of eating habits and physical activity among programme participants. Conclusions: The "Keep Fit!" programme should be continued so as to prevent overweight, obesity, and other chronic non-communicable diseases from occurring in schoolchildren.

    Nr opisu: 0000033155
    Autorzy: Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Tomasz Bołdowski, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Cezary Wojtyła, Małgorzata Wojciechowska, Andrzej Wojtyła, Anna Pawłowska, Hanna Krauss.
    Tytuł pracy: The impact of the "Keep Fit" national programme in Poland on diet, physical activity and health during 2006-2011 in children and adolescents
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2016, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 67--76
    p-ISSN: 2450-5927
    e-ISSN: 2450-5722

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: program "Trzymaj Formę" ; dieta ; aktywność fizyczna ; dzieci ; młodzież
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: "Keep Fit" programme ; diet ; physical activity ; children ; adolescents
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Sekcji Bibliometrii.
    DOI: 10.5114/jhi.2016.61424
    Streszczenie: Introduction: The National "Keep Fit" Programme is aimed at educating school children and their families so as to achieve sustainable development of pro-healthy eating habits through promoting an active lifestyle and balanced diet. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationships between mealtime rates, self-assessment of weight and measurable body mass index (BMI), estimated slimming rates and undertaken physical activity for junior high school and high school pupils along with university students in Poland, taking into account gender, age, place of residence and whether they took part in the "Keep Fit" programme. Material and methods: Subjects were 13,537 youngsters aged 12-18 years randomly selected in 2011. Of those, girls and boys not participating in the programme (non-participants) numbered respectively 6,535 (89.42%) and 5,328 (85.54%), whilst girls and boys who participated numbered respectively 773 (10.58%) and 901 (14.46%). For the junior high school and high school pupils, the research tool was a questionnaire developed by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, based on one previously used in a GSHS study. Students were however surveyed by electronic means, using forms available on a specific website of the Institute of Agricultural Medicine. Data analysis was performed by the STATISTICA 10.0 programme. Significance was taken as p being not greater than 0.05. Results: Participating in the "Keep Fit" programme had a beneficial effect on the number of mealtimes as well as the desire to maintain current body weights. There was no association/agreement between selfassessment of weight and the measurable BMI. Mostly it was male students participating in the "Keep Fit" programme who demonstrated higher weekly levels of physical activity compared to those not participating. Conclusions: The results suggest that the national "Keep Fit" programme had beneficial effects on shaping attitudes and behaviour regarding proper nutrition and maintaining a physically active lifestyle. These subjects showed an increased health awareness reflecting the effectiveness of the programme and the need for its continuation in subsequent years of school education.

    Nr opisu: 0000031366
    Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Paula Wróblewska, Piotr Adamczuk, Jacek Zwoliński, Anna Oniszczuk, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Wojciech Silny.
    Tytuł pracy: Drugs as important factors causing alergies
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2015, Vol. 32, no. 5, p. 388--392
    p-ISSN: 1642-395X
    e-ISSN: 2299-0046

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł przeglądowy
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: artykuł w czasopiśmie z IF (wykaz MEiN)
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Wskaźnik Impact Factor ISI: 1.342
    Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: alergia ; choroby alergiczne ; narkotyki ; antybiotyk
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: allergy ; allergic diseases ; drugs ; antibiotics
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Dziale Gromadzenia, Opracowania i Kontroli Zbiorów Biblioteki PSW.
    DOI: 10.5114/pdia.2014.44021
    Streszczenie: Medications can cause many adverse reactions, both non-immunologic and immunologic ones. Allergies can take many forms, allergic reactions include all types of reactions according to Gell and Coombs. Typically, allergic reactions to drugs are manifested by skin lesions such as maculopapular rash or urticaria and life-threatening systemic reactions such as anaphylaxis. Allergy to drugs is diagnosed based on medical history and a number of specific tests: skin tests, blood tests. In diagnosing the causes of anaphylaxis, the basophil activation test is used to exclude false negative and false positive results of skin tests and specific IgE levels. Allergic reactions to medications usually resolve themselves after discontinuation of the drug. Sometimes in the treatment anti-allergic drugs are used to inhibit the development of skin lesions. After observing any signs of drug allergy it is important to accurately diagnose the cause, since the subsequent exposure to the drug may lead to a strong anaphylactic reaction and consequently death.

    Nr opisu: 0000031362
    Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Grażyna Cholewa, Paweł Sobczak, Jerzy Zagórski, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora.
    Tytuł pracy: Health risks associated with exposure to fungi
    Tytuł całości: W: Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, 7th International Scientific Symposium / ed. by Bruno Huyghebaert, Edmund Lorencowicz and Jacek Uziak
    Miejsce wydania: Amsterdam
    Wydawca: Elsevier B.V
    Rok wydania: 2015
    Seria: Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2210-7843, Vol. 7
    Strony zajęte przez pracę: S. 313-317
    Charakterystyka formalna: referat w materiałach pokonferencyjnych zagranicznych
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Charakterystyka wg MNiSW: publikacja w recenzowanych mat. konf. międzynar. uwzględnionej w WoS
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Punktacja ministerstwa: 15.000
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: grzyby pleśniowe ; zagrożenia zdrowotne ; rolnictwo
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: fungy ; health hazards ; agriculture
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Dziale Gromadzenia, Opracowania i Kontroli Zbiorów Biblioteki PSW.
    Inne bazy podające opis:
  • WoS

    DOI: 10.1016/j.aaspro.2015.12.053
    Streszczenie: Occupational environment of farmers is full of biohazards. Especially frequent are molds found in grain, grain dust, and soil. People might be affected by diseases caused by these molds inducing: skin infections, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and others. The aim of the study was to detect and quantify colonization by molds in samples of grain and grain dust collected during combine threshing, as well as in soil samples from organic and conventional cultivation systems in south - east Poland. The following were used for the study: 20 samples of rye, wheat and barley grain, 20 samples of every grain dust collected during combine threshing and 20 samples of soil for every cereal were collected from an organic cultivation system. The same number of corresponding samples from a conventional system of farming was also obtained. The concentrations (CFU/g) of molds were determined applying the method of plate dilution on two media, and the species composition of molds was determined using taxonomic keys and atlases. The results show a potential risk for people engaged in agriculture. The presence of allergenic and toxigenic molds in the work environment of this working group creates serious occupational exposure. This subject is of high significance for the health of population engaged in agricultural production and calls for further studies.

    Nr opisu: 0000031513
    Autorzy: Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Paweł Sobczak, Kazimierz Zawiślak, Jerzy Zagórski, Paulina Wojtyła-Buciora, Andrzej Wojtyła.
    Tytuł pracy: Physical and chemical properties comparison of fungal and crustaceous chitosan
    Tytuł czasopisma:
    Szczegóły: 2015, Vol. 1, no. 1, s. 7--14
    p-ISSN: 2450-5927
    e-ISSN: 2450-5722

    Charakterystyka formalna: artykuł w czasopiśmie polskim
    Charakterystyka merytoryczna: artykuł oryginalny naukowy
    Język publikacji: ENG
    Praca recenzowana
    Słowa kluczowe: chitozan ; grzyby ; skorupiaki
    Słowa kluczowe ang.: fungal chitosan ; crustaceous ; viscosity
    Uwaga: Kopia dostępna w Dziale Gromadzenia, Opracowania i Kontroli Zbiorów Biblioteki PSW.
    DOI: 10.5114/jhi.2015.56820
    Streszczenie: In the paper we compared herein chemical properties of the fungal chitosan prepared according to the own method and the commonly used chitosan made from the crustaceous. The assessment included such parameters as: ash, fiber, fat, Na, K, Ca and Mg content. Inorganic phosphates, molecular weight and deacetylation degree were also determined. Based on these results a number of differences between substances was identified. The differences are related to varied structure that is due to different methods of two types of chitosan production. The difference in viscosity was the most pronounced parameter. It has been proved the viscosity of fungal chitosan was 5 times lower compared to crustaceous chitosan. The fungal chitosan was characterized with higher deacetylation degree (DD) than crustaceous chitosan. The deacetylation process has significant influence on the structure and chemical parameters of the chitosan. The chemical elements content was differentiation. Relatively low concentration of sodium was identified in the fungal chitosan. However, it contained high levels of nitrogen, fiber and fat when compared to the crustaceous chitosan.

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